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Overall Picture

Are you in the middle of "I just need to get through today, I just need to do XYZ, I just need to get to today's destination through the snow... then it will be ok... then I'll be happier?"

Chasing that "thing" can be the one "thing" that can hurt us in the long run. 

Sometimes we need to pause to look at the overall picture of our lives. We get caught up in the daily rat race of life that we don't REALLY see what is going on.

We may be:



Mean to ourselves 

Mean to our kids/spouse 


Self absorbed 

Neglecting daily tasks

Neglecting people/animals

When was the last time you took inventory of your life, and your feelings?

Yup, just went there... life as a whole... and feelings!

Are you happy? For real...

Besides the general "sure", ask yourself could you be happier? What areas in your life seem like work or things you dread?

When was the last time you really laughed hard and had a lot of joy?

When was the last time your phone was in another room for more than 2 hours? (That means you might have been present in the moment)

If you could give your life a ratio or percentage, what would the happy to sad ratio be? 60%/40%, 90%/10%...

Is it different in your home life vs. work life? 

If you recognize a pattern- my work drags me down everyday and as a result I get home and I'm crabby... use that as a triggering feeling. LABEL IT... I feel down, depressed, and crabby when I think about my job. 

Notice the joys and joy sucks of your life. 

In the overall picture of your life... back up and see yourself as a person from above (maybe a respected teacher or grandparent) looking down at every detail of your:



Home life

Freetime activities

Who you spend time with

What overall feeling do you have? If it is a little bit of eeeek, or "oh boy"... then maybe it is time to tweak some things. 

This is not a dress rehearsal of life... we get one shot, one opportunity (yes, I'm quoting an Eminem song), but it's true.

We were put on this earth to live our best life. 

We owe it to our family members and friends to live the best version we can be.

If you could write the best version of you... what would it look like?

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